Saturday, March 22, 2008

Where authors and readers come together!

She and You

I’ve explained so much it seems,
enough for us both.
I regret, apologize, admit, confess …
a myriad of failings.
Why haven’t you?

You know what they are ….
I won’t repeat them here.
The burden of guilt I have assumed …
Why won’t you share?

I wonder if each morning …
do you see the person looking at you
who hurt me … do you?
Or do you deny any recognition and …
just go on with your life?

What hurts most of all …
is that you were never here
even after you returned.
The illusion of someone I had known,
but it was not you, as it happened,
though the outer resemblance was striking.

She didn’t love me as you had …
Her distance was farther away
than ever you had been near ….
when I could touch you.

She never smiled …
as you had so often, sheepishly.
When I opened the door Friday night,
I saw you there awaiting me on that couch
that you so disliked.
The table set, candles aglow,
your long braid and flowing skirts …
how much I do miss them … and

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Where authors and readers come together!

"Looking at You ..."

I look at you quietly thinking,
words so many dare I speak.
Return my stare, hear you wondering
hints of solitude do I seek?

None I say but truth be told,
through too few years of feelings forlorn
Fears are mine I’ve become too old,
soon I fear see your stareful scorn.

Beseeching you in words unspoken
through moments of closeness when none more
leave me lonely yet desirous
whether we'll be again as time before …

It’s not my fault when life changes,
hard to say and for you to hear.
My body shakes, my speech stumbles.
What hope is there for us this year?

I think back in hours abandon,
gaity, laughter together we spent
Our posture now is so different,
my new life has become as I resent.

How we were is no longer
passionate kisses, our bodies aflutter,
holding you then as mine alone,
leaves many questions slow to utter.

Alan D. Busch
March 2008

Friday, March 14, 2008

Where authors and readers come together!

Dear Readers,

If I may, please click on ...

Thank you Josh!

Torah Thoughts in Flight

Where authors and readers come together!

Torah Thoughts in Flight

But for Thee we devotedly wait,
our work unfinished remain.
Put aside all, let worriment be,
No more left this week to gain.

Hasten thy effort lest sunset precede,
our labors have now to cease.
Welcome the Shekinah, Her presence arrive …
Immerse thyself in Sabbath peace.

A day of respite, tending the soul,
set upon tablecloth both bread and wine.
Sanctify this moment He creation made …
closer to Thee my soul doth pine.

Soar high o’er clouds ever above
as if on wings of eagle’s flight.
His people beloved, a nation of priests
Illumines the world with its light.

We are bidden to be as if a dove
to the ark it did return.
For mankind a rainbow He painted
a promise made He would not spurn.

Alan D. Busch
March 2008

Monday, March 10, 2008

Interview with Ha Rav, Ha Chazzan Dr. Phineas Schmeisenbach

Where authors and readers come together!

Conversations with Noteworthy Individuals ... A Series.

Conversation with Ha Rav, Ha Chazzan Dr. Phineas Schmeisenbach ... whom I have known for more than ten years and yes, he really does says such things as you will read in the italics!

(An important aside from the interviewer: Reb Phineas is such a “mazik” that I feared the idea of sitting down and having a civil conversation together would be quite simply beyond the pale. I was not wrong.)

*Reb Phineas's remarks are italicized.

Rabbi, I wish to thank you for finding time, given your demanding schedule, to sit down and meet with me for a few minutes.

Busch, what do I know? I’m from the “kleiner mentchen”. Tell me, … how does it feel to be a descendant of the burning bush?

Huh? Oh yea, well … aglow I suppose. (Why does he insist upon saying I’m a descendant of that fiery shrub, hmmmm?)

Rabbi, seriously speaking, I have never had the opportunity to really thank you for chanting Kel Mole Rachomim at the funeral of my son Ben, olav ha shalom, and on a much happier note serving as chazzan at my recent wedding.

No problem Busch. Don’t thank me. I’m from the kleiner mentchen. What do I know?

(Indeed Reb Phineas derives much enjoyment from his oft-repeated claim that his “lineage” is from the kleiner mentshen, the "little people", a self-deprecating characterization. In this way, it allows him to exploit his remarkably mischievous sense of humor as a way to avoid being taken too seriously. Should you not know this clever little truth about him, you might entertain the exceedingly wrong-headed notion that he hails from the much maligned chachomim of Chelm, hmmm?)

Rabbi, you are actually a scion of a much heralded rabbinic dynasty in Yerushalayim, are you not?

A what? Busch, what do I know? I’m from the kleiner mentchen. Mein Henglish is not so good!

And that you have a doctoral degree in pastoral studies from Chicago State University, isn't that correct?

That makes you a Rabbi Doctor. I thought to appeal to his considerable but well concealed ego.

Technically yes it does though I owe much of the credit to Reb Louie. He did most of the work.

What do you mean?

You do not want to know.

I guess you’re right.

So tell me Busch, how is your father?

Considering his age, he’s doing well. Hey, I’m asking the questions here.

Reb Phineas, you are known for the rapidity with which you stand Shmoney Esrei. How can one daven with kavanah at that pace?

Busch, He and I are busy men.

(Reb Phineas points straight up with his index finger. As a matter of fact, he recites the prayers so fast that he is already taking his three steps backward on “Yehi ratson” before you have finished your responses to his Kidusha.)

Rabbi, I have always loved your chazanus, especially Kol Ni …

(He arose from his chair running to the kitchen.)

Betcha he’s going for that leftover tuna fish!

Alan Busch

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Where authors and readers come together!

Dear Readers , click on to read a smattering of the writings of Alan D. Busch: poetry, prose, articles, stories, announcements.

Forthcoming in about two weeks is the second printing with minor revisions and a new epilogue of Snapshots In Memory of Ben. A rough draft of the epilogue is posted at under the category of "My Stories." Go ahead! Take a peak!

Please visit to reserve your copy of the second printing or surf any of the on-line book stores ...

I dedicate all my work to Ben, Z'L.
Alan D. Busch

Friday, March 7, 2008

"Doing Fine. org"

Where authors and readers come together!

Dear Readers,

Please remember to viisiit

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Free Form Thoughts

Where authors and readers come together!

Free Form Thoughts ...

When reflection looks back upon memory,
I see you quietly thinking.
Gone now you have been for ...
well, I've lost count.

You know how it is ... important thoughts occur to us
when we least expect them,
such as happened last night ...

"I'm learning to live without you ..."

and I realize I've been here before.

It shouldn't be so difficult, right?
And on some days, it's not, but
there are moments when it is and
I regret my many mistakes.

I don't know why I stopped singing Eliyahu Ha Navi to you ...
I only know I wish I hadn't.

Words of regret ... there are just so many of them.

Dare I say any more?

In the way of things, complacency precedes regret,
and it is precisely when that has occurred
that one realizes how irreversible is the irreparable.

Alan D. Busch
March 6, 2008

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

"Simply Musings Pondering Prayer"

Where authors and readers come together!

"Simply Musings Pondering Prayer"

Subtle although not hidden,
our strength reside in Thee.
Weighty affliction we shoulder,
enable us your servants to be.

Take hold of His hand in crisis
like Mordechai before no man bow.
Walk humbly with thy Maker,
know how very blessed art Thou.

Acknowledge His majesty each morning,
Your obligation to Him let be,
Dutifully recall before alighting
Ana Ha Shem, I thank thee …

Speak from your heart with devotion
though He utter not a word.
Listen quietly lest His message
reverberate in echoes unheard.

Say these words at your bedside
Your neshuma hath He returned
Offer His gift to others
Fear of heaven hast thou learned.

When at last resistance surrender,
selfless thou art become.
Give back more than you’ve taken
whilst clinging to devotion profund.

Alan D. Busch

March 5, 2008

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Where authors and readers come together! Dear Readers, please visit me at the above website. Below I present one of my favorite poems. Wouldst I had penned it ...

I do not know who first penned this wonderfully poignant, prayerful poem which I have typed in italics, followed by a short personal commentary; its verses are few but powerful in their wisdom. This is one of those good things you've heard about; you know ... the ones that come in small packages or, if you like, a virtual blueprint of parenting-especially for younger parents just starting out. I've always loved it and have carried it in my head and heart for nearly thirty years though I often wonder how well or badly I measured up during my own early parenting years ...

"Oh give me patience when tiny hands

Take a really close look at your young children's hands ...are they not amazingly tiny and beautiful? Everyone I hope has either experienced or seen a baby grasp with its whole hand but one grownup finger! My favorite fingers belong to my daughter Kimmy; they are beautifully long and slender, and I've loved them ever since I first beheld them upon her coming into this world! I kid you not ... that her fingers were what first caught my eye.

tug at me with their small demands,

I recall Ben trying to redirect that forkful of dinner away from mine and into his own mouth, seated as he was upon my knee and apparently under the erroneous impression that I was to feed him only!

and give me gentle and smiling eyes,

May your eyes mirror the heartfelt joy of your child's achievement; in other words, let your eyes always see and be seen as they were when you witnessed that first baby step! May they always "remember" that moment!

keep my lips from sharp replies.

Teach by example of speech ... moderation, patience of tone and content. Guard thy tongue for once having spoken ... well, the efficacy of "retraction" is entirely fictitious.

and let not confusion, fatigue or noise

Child rearing can be and is often raucous, enervating and frustrating at times ... step back!

obscure my vision of life's fleeting joys ...

Don't ever pass up an opportunity to smell a flower with a child or watch a butterfly flutter about!

so when years later my house is still,

You know they'll fly from the nest one day! While there, keep it cozy, warm and welcoming!

no bitter memories its room may fill."

May our parenting mistakes be few and minor in nature so that our children will return to the nest with their fledglings in tow! If you make it this far, commence*KVELLING!

*Kvelling ... when your heart pounds with pride and joy upon witnessing your child's accomplishments.

Alan D. Busch

Monday, March 3, 2008

"Shacharis Musings"

Dear Readers,

I am pleased to announce that my original piece of poetry "Shacharis Musings" will be published in the coming weeks by Poetica Magazine, Poetica Magazine, Reflections of Jewish Thought "A fierce light beats upon the Jew." C. G. Montefiore

“Shacharis Musings"

As morning light little shines
in still wee hours before dawn’s rise
speak to Him before day begins
through visions of angels’ eyes.

Praises of kindness and words proclaim
majestically soar o’er ocean sand
the majesty of Creator’s fame
know whom before dost thou stand.

Close thine eyes to worrisome day...
With shroud enwrapped o'er thee
bound both arm and head adorned
closer to Him a moloch be.

Ancient hopes on pages worn
in prayers long seen through tears,
awaken molochim early morn
to pray for length of years.

Examine each day ere too late,
In prayerful haste lest thou proceed
Secure a place at Heaven’s gate
Prey not upon man dost heed.

Alan D. Busch
March 3, 2008