Saturday, February 9, 2008

"The Wall"

“The Wall”

In days long since, from ages ago
ingather to His Makom flock
among whom dost Thou dwell
Ha Shem likvod Yisborach.

L’ Adon Ha Kol l’sha-be-ach
To Him we devotedly send,
Prayerful shards, writ kvitelach
To whom our knees do bend.

Open thy hearts kedoshim
to His avodah, tahor and pure,
gather at His feet molochim
beware lest thy doubts doth stir

Whence this devotion unfailing?
ere stones stand thou demure
open thine lips heaven upward
thy portion in shamayim secure.

Hear please our supplications,
of which uttered none profane …
wherefore our faith sustaineth
memories of pious refrain.

Alan D. Busch
Alan D Busch (author) on AuthorsDen

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

People should read this.